I know this is an old post but I found some relevant information that works that no one else suggested here. ITS IMPORTANT FOR BM HUNTERS TO USE THIS MACRO FOR EVERY OFFENSIVE SPELL.
History Of The 1 Button Macro Hunter Rotation In Tbc Youtube
No need for seperate abilities on your bars.

Hunter pet macros. Cast pet nocombat Feed Pet. This macro is great for keeping players in combat as growl has a 30 yard range. And our pets are tooPATREON.
This is a handy macro for pulling your pet back if theyre in danger. Hunter Tutorial Pet Macros - YouTube. This is very useful for opening on new targets while soloing when you want your pet to tank.
Basic Attack Macros Baking your pets Basic Attacks Claw Bite or Smack into abilities will maximize how many are cast. This is a very handy Hunter macro. The auto-cast system from blizzard is super slow on pets and you might miss out so make sure to use this macro.
The average delay is about 06 seconds. This macro will toggle your pet between attacking or following. Showtooltip cast then open your pets spellbook and click the spell itself to get the name right itll fill the spell in for you.
If Dash is needed to get them out of harms way quickly then press the alt key as well. A simple but useful macro that commands your pet to attack a target while also casting Hunters Mark on it. As I said a moment ago hunters have a ton of keybinds.
A simple but useful macro that commands your pet to attack a target while also casting Hunters Mark on it. For claw it came back with. Spell Pet Attack Macro.
Since this is designed for arena its best to have your pets specced Cunning meaning your pets can cast Bullheaded. This is an all-in-one macro to control your pet for the arena hunter. Macros being able to reduce keybinds are thus great for hunters.
Combat Mend Pet use petCatRavager nocombat petWind Serpent nocombat Attack or Follow. Cast Hunters Mark. It requires that you have the following pets.
Theyll improve your efficiency without a doubt enabling you to target enemies faster control your pet better and improve your crowd control. Showtooltip cast targetFocus Growl petattack focus cast Dash. In order to use it you must have the spells Call Pet Revive Pet or simply a Hunters Pet.
This is very useful for opening on new targets while soloing when you want your pet to tank. This macro is a simple misdirect macro to save you time manually targeting the tank and casting Misdirection on them. You can simply create a new macro with the.
Petattack cast petwolfcat Dash. Basic Attacks have a 3 second cooldown but your pet doesnt always immediately auto-cast it on cooldown for unknown reasons which results in numerous missed casts in a boss fight. Here well go over some basic macros.
Icon put in the following text. With a simple macro that you can copy-paste you can make it so your pet stops Auto-Attacking as you cast Scatter Shot so you wont ever have to deal with it breaking from your pet. Owl Dive startattack All In One Hunter Pet This macro feeds your pet when youre not in combat heals it if youre in combat resses it if its dead and calls it if its alive but not currently out.
This macro will cast Feed Pet when out of combat and Mend Pet when in combat. You should macro them into all of your abilities when youre using a pet to guarantee. Not only do Macros increase your efficiency but allows you to free up some Keybinds for other spells and you will definitely need this as a Hunter in Classic.
Pet Uber Pet Macro. It will feed the correct food to different types of pet. 220 - BASIC HUNTER MACROS.
All in One Pet Macro showtooltip use Mend Pet stopmacro use Revive Pet castsequence reset2 Call Pet Revive Pet This macro will CallReviveMend Pet all in one macro. This macro got its name because it gives almost complete control over your pet in a single button while also taking advantage of the focus targeting system. Scorpid Crane Spider Moth The macro casts the pets special ability based on what pet you have out.
Another important topic is the pet attacks. Cast Hunters Mark. Cast modshift Revive Pet cast Call Pet 1 cast Mend Pet Quick Pet Safety Dismiss Pet.
You can use this macro to force your pet to run after your focus target while also keeping them in combat at range. You will need to edit the macro to specify which Call Pet to use.
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